Abidah first began her journey into holistic and natural work back in 1999 when she started Muay Thai classes. To gain flexibility in her boxing she began practising traditional yoga in the same year. She undertook teacher training with the British Wheel of Yoga and was fortunate to work with inspirational teachers in a range of traditions and disciplines. To further her understanding of holistic and natural healing techniques she studied ayurveda.
Using her 20 years of experience and science based knowledge, Abidah created the Ambba™ breathwork, movement and awareness system. Ambba™ is a scientific holistic approach combining Alignment of the Mind, Body, Breath with Awareness that takes breath led movements to a more profound level.
Through her popular classes, Abidah gives her students a unique experience that leaves them feeling strong, energised, balanced and able to incorporate what is learned into their daily lives.
Abidah is continually inspired when Ambba™ students report that her classes have helped them recover from chronic back, knee and shoulder pains; helped reduce anxiety issues; reduced blood pressure and cholesterol; healed prolapses and abdominal separation and a range of other ailments and issues.
The Ambba™ system has been developed for everyone, but in particular it gives muslims, orthodox christians and jews the peace of mind that the therapeutic aspect of Ambba's system will not impede on their belief systems, as many other common holistic practices do.
(For more information on our views about yoga, please click here)
The Ambba™ system takes into account that many of us do not stand, move or breathe correctly. Simply put, the Ambba™ system will give you lifestyle tips that can help you incorporate daily movement, breathwork and mindset techniques into your busy schedules, leading to health, healing and happiness.